Join Us!

Join A Networking Group Like No Other!

A Healing Place started with a small group of friends and has grown into a formidable village -- Your Village. Being a solo-healing-preneur can be lonely and daunting. We feel:

Here at AHP, we are the village you seek. We are a co-op that is:

AHP's members make up a broad array of businesses, from Spiritual and Sound Healing to Meditation, Qi Gong and Yoga, as well as Estate Planning to Mental Health & Relationship Professionals.  We also have a few product vendors in our group, ranging from custom gift boxes and fashion accessories to face care products and nutritional supplements.

Together, we offer:

What's more, we partner with HerScan to host ultrasound breast cancer screenings periodcaly throughough the year. They allow me to give away one FREE session each tie they come. That's a $295 value... for FREE!

Membership is $25/mo (or $275/annually) for all the above offerings. If you want to post your marketing materials at the AHP studio, the marketing only membership is $5/mo (or $55/year). And if you want to simply try us out, get to know us on our Facebook and/or Whatsapp groups for FREE!

We accept, Zelle, Venmo, PayPal, Cash, and Check. We also can set up recurring payments. Tell us what works best for you.

Interested? Email us. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your goals.