Events Calendar
Are you looking to create change in your life?
Are you looking to create change in your life?
Do you need help in writing a new,
Do you need help in writing a new,
uplifting chapter in the book that is your life?
uplifting chapter in the book that is your life?
Well then, please, join us at our events!
Well then, please, join us at our events!
Below, you will find the link to join our Meetup group on the Meetup App. When you sign up, you will receive email notifications about all our upcoming events, which you can easily RSVP up for from the group, as well as contact the instructors for more information about their offerings and to schedule 1:1 sessions.
We can't wait to see you!
Join Our Meetup Group!
Simply, click the link below to start receiving information about our classes, workshops and events directly in your email box.