Our Networking Group Members


a.k.a. talking to people, is how A Healing Place came to hold so much life-changing information. "Collaboration, not competition," is our motto. Because of this, we have amassed a network of about 70 solo-healing-preneurs between the San Jose, Calif., and abroad. And we are always growing! Below are just some of the people in our network. They are the very defintion of "Doing Business with Heart." ~Ramona


Kim Ebbets

Lifestyle/Business Branding Photographer

Kim Ebbets, of Photos by Kim E., is a San Jose photographer that creates authentic and fun sessions for businesses and families. 

At a young age, her dad taught her with a traditional film camera, and throughout college at UC Santa Cruz, she would be behind a video camera or Polaroid camera. 

She launched her photography business Photos by Kim E in 2009 and her sessions are a unique combination of lifestyle, portrait, and documentary which allows you to shine. 

She's looking forward to photographing your story!  


Mylinh Tran

Acupuncturist/ NAET Provider

After working in several Biotech companies for almost 20 years, my dedication and love for medicine has only increased.  

My philosophy is to empower individuals with knowledge, awareness, freeing you from pain and suffering, so you can be the best you possible.  

I use experience from all areas of my life to create sessions tailored to your needs using many different modalities such as Acupuncture, Acupressure, tuina (scraping), guasha (cupping), chinese herbal medicine, western supplementation, essential oils, and quantum energy healing. 

I also believe that, "When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves." ~Anthony J. D'Angelo  


Madeleine Harmath

Spiritual Healer

What happens when a solid, grounded Software QA Engineering Manager with strategic problem-solving skills has a spiritual experience of a past-life contact beckoning her to “WAKE-UP?*

You got it. She becomes an Advanced Spiritual Healer and Teacher.

Madeleine received certification as an Advanced Spiritual Healer from the Dancing with Source Mystery School, a MotoKi Level II healer, as well as a Reiki Level I, II and II Healer and Teacher.

She became aware that it was time for her to re-establish herself as a healer, to reconnect with the wonders of the spiritual journey, to delight in the fascinating self-sustaining power of being part of the spiritual realm. 

She blossomed when she connected to the Divine wisdom of the Archangelic and Ascended Master realms, allowing her to teach others self-help tools so that they can delight in the wonder and skills available to humans while they are being awakened back into their wholeness.


Ka Lee Doke

Bookkeeper/ Financial Professional

Ka Lee offers bookkeeping services to help the business owner who is struggling to put their finance in order and maximize tax dedication.
However, she knew that just bookkeeping is not enough to help business owners solve their problems.  

She partnered with one of the largest financial firms to provide free financial consultation & education to help middle class families know how to make their money work, as well as improve their financial future. 

Ka Lee also provides opportunities to help people who wanted to earn extra income. 

Picture of Caroline in a yellow dress and a yellow flower in her hair.

Caroline Fernandes

Energy Work Infused Facials

Becoming an esthetician was an effortless change in career choice for me. 

From as young as I can remember, I was always getting into my mom's products and makeup. But, I didn’t do anything with this passion for a long time. Instead, I followed another passion -- to be a designer. 

I graduated from Art School and worked in the industry as a Visual designer for 25 years. 

Finally, getting the chance to go and pursue my passion for skin care, I went to school to be an Esthetician. 

Once I graduated and, with license in hand, I founded CaraBella Esthetics with the desire to help my clients achieve balance in their skin and body. 

I take a whole body approach when assessing each client's specific needs, locating their issues, and working with them to restore their health through their skin.

I believe that great skin changes the way someone looks, the way they feel, and the way they treat themselves. 

It’s not simply JUST about skin. Your face is how you present yourself to the world. It’s the first thing people see. 

It’s my goal to not only treat any skin conditions with advanced skin care and techniques, but to also get to the root of the cause. I believe that beautiful skin can be your best accessory. 

Prevention, maintenance, and a great at home regimen is all you need for beautiful, healthy skin.


Stefani Brandt

Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Personal Chef, Catering

Stefani Brandt, a certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor, saw that many of her patients struggled with incorporating Ayurvedic principles into their busy lives. She wanted to make it easier for people to embrace the Ayurvedic lifestyle, and thus, her meal prep and delivery service, Enlightened Eats was born. 

Stefani is dedicated to making it simple and convenient for people to enjoy the benefits of Ayurveda, while also supporting sustainable and responsible farming practices. Enlightened Eats serves the San Francisco Bay Area. 

Bryan Reisinger

Acupuncturist/Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine/Certified Massage Therapist

Bryan began his journey into the healing arts in 2005.  He attended De Anza Community College in Cupertino, CA, and opened his first massage clinic in Mountain View, CA in 2006.  Dragon Touch Massage went on to win the Mountain View Voice’s “Best Massage” and “Best New Business” for 2007.

In 2009, Bryan completed his A.A. in Massage Therapy through De Anza, graduating magna cum laud and with a specialization in Sports Massage.  He immediately went on to join the Masters of Traditional Chinese Medicine Program at Five Branches University in San Jose, CA. Through which, he completed more than 3100 hours of class and clinical work, including a minimum of 550 patients.

In 2013, Bryan graduated with honors from the MTCM Program with a specialization in Sports Medicine, and he was selected to be one of three Commencement Speakers for his graduating class.  He was immediately offered a position with his alma mater, De Anza Community College, to teach in the Massage Therapy Program.  For three years, he taught the Shiatsu and Chair Massage classes that were part of the Associate Degree Program, and helped to shape and influence the next generation of Massage Therapists.

In 2014, Bryan successfully passed the California Acupuncture Licensing Examination and became a fully Licensed Acupuncturist in the State of California. 

In 2016, he took a position as an Acupuncturist at the newly opened Dao Wellness Center in the Almaden Valley neighborhood of South San Jose, CA.  There, he helped create a vibrant and thriving Alternative Medicine Clinic, learning in the ingredients to being a successful practitioner and small business.

In November of 2017, Bryan purchased Dao Wellness Center and relaunched the new storefront as Dao Wellness & Acupuncture Center, where he is a successful acupuncturist with thousands of success stories under his belt.


John Whitaker

Wim Hoff Meditation Facilitator

John Whitaker is an artist, and level two Wim Hof Method instructor. 

In 2016 my path of personal transformation took a quantum leap when I tried Wim Hof Method. 

The breath work and cold exposure is for anyone who is ready to level up. Breaking free is a state of mind that can become a habit. 

In my classes and activities you will focus on the tools (such as hormetic stress) for surprising yourself, as you exceed your own expectations.  

Dr. Elena Herrera

Psychologist/ Teacher of Psychology

Dr. Elena Herrera is a licensed, bilingual (English/Spanish) clinical psychologist in San Jose. For over 15 years, she has treated adults, children, and families in various settings. Currently, her practice is focused on adults and couples. Aside from seeing clients in her practice, Elena also teaches graduate courses in psychology and trains future psychologists.

Ben Lesel

Spiritual Healer

Ben is a deep thinker, avid meditator, and is deeply in touch with his intuition -- both from embodied and mechanistic ( metaphysical and scientific) perspectives.

An entrepreneur with a PhD in Chemistry, he has found his passion in creating bonds between people as much as with atoms. 

With a deeply rooted passion for understanding and learning more about himself and consciousness at large, he brings substantial knowledge of emotions and chakras from his personal experiences, as well as his study on the subjects. 

Eventually, he intends to write books on these subjects and more, but until then, his knowledge and wisdom is accessible to those who attend his workshops. 


Vengat Natarajan 

Reiki, Life & Love Coach

Vengat offers coaching services for individuals (women & men) and couples to awaken deep, authentic, love & intimacy bliss by bringing in more pleasure in their bodies, as well as creativity and fulfillment in their life, using tools and techniques from ancient times yet still relevant in current times. 


He is a certified educator, yoga instructor, healer and has been practicing & offering these sessions for over 5 years, along with other healing modalities which helps to remove impediments towards experiencing full pleasure & bliss. 

Join Our Collaboration & Networking Group!

Are you a solo-healing-preneur who is looking for a great team to collaborate with? Look no further! Our group is talented, nurturing, and active! Pricing is reasonable because it takes a village to grow a business. 

Interested? Email us today!

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Looking to spread the word about your business? Share your business with our clients! Pricing is reasonable because it takes a village to grow a business. 

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